5 Interior Design Tips for Styling Around Your Recliner
La-Z-Boy Southeast | June 20, 2018

Recliners are very comfortable pieces of furniture and sitting with your feet above heart level provides many health benefits. However, styling around your recliner can be difficult because their one-of-a-kind design stands out so much.
Thankfully, you can use these simple interior design tips to help your recliner blend into the rest of your room.
In this article, we’ll look at some different ways you can design around the recliners in your home.
1) Upholster Your Recliner In a Solid Color Fabric
When someone walks into your room, their eyes will be drawn to the patterns first. This is because exciting patterns naturally grab our attention.
Putting your recliner in any solid color will keep guests from noticing it the moment they walk into the room. This color can be bright or neutral, but it’s best to avoid patterns.
You can incorporate patterns into your rugs, pillows, and other accessories to take attention away from your bigger pieces of furniture.
2) Corner Off Your Recliner
Designing the layout of your room so the recliner is in a corner helps camouflage the bulkiness of the chair. Most recliners can be positioned to where they can fully recline and still fit in the corner of your room.
If you’re having trouble finding a recliner that can fully extend in the corner of your room, then you should take a look at La-Z-Boy Wall Recliners.
These recliners have a patented feature that allows them to fully recline with only a few inches of space behind them.
The corner of the room is a natural place for your recliner to fit. But what if the corner of your room isn’t an option?
3) Offset Your Recliner with Tables & Lamps
If your recliner is floating in the middle of the room, you can offset the bulky design by adding tables, lamps, and accessories next to it. This connects your recliner with the rest of the room.
When big pieces of furniture don’t have anything around them, they will look out of place. Adding side tables along with accessories will bring everything in the room together.
You can seamlessly link your recliner with the rest of the furniture in your room by offsetting it with tables, lamps, and accessories.
4) Consider Push-Back or High Leg Recliners
Another reclining option is picking a push back or high leg recliner in place of a classic La-Z-Boy Recliner. High leg recliners have a modern style and also give you the ability to push back and recline your feet.
These gorgeous recliners look great in a wide variety of colors and patterns. Putting your sofa in a neutral color gives you the option to pick a fun and exciting pattern for your high leg recliner.
If you like this style, you should take a look at the La-Z-Boy Riley High Leg Recliner (Pictured) or the La-Z-Boy Fletcher High Leg Recliner and browse through their wide range of custom fabrics.
5) Meet with a Degreed Interior Designer for Free
Styling your recliner can be tricky. However, these tips will help you camouflage your recliner and bring the room together.
If you’d like some more help designing around your recliner, you can visit your local La-Z-Boy Home Furnishings & Décor and meet with a degreed interior designer for free.
Your personal interior designer would be happy to help you design around your recliner and bring your ideas to life.